Flow Control vs Error Control

Difference Between Flow Control and Error Control

Flow control and Error control are the control mechanism at data link layer and transport layer. Whenever the sends the data to the receiver these two mechanisms helps in proper delivering of the reliable data to the receiver. The main difference between the flow control and error control is that the flow control observes the proper flow of the data from sender to receiver, on the other hand, the error control observes that the data delivered to the receiver is error free and reliable.

Basis for ComparisonFlow ControlError Control
BasicFlow control is meant for the proper transmission of the data from sender to the receiver.Error control is meant for delivering the error-free data to the receiver.
ApproachFeedback-based flow control and rate-based flow control are the approaches to achieve the proper flow control.Parity checking, Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) and checksum are the approaches to detect the error in data. Hamming code, Binary Convolution codes, Reed-Solomon code, Low-Density Parity Check codes are the approaches to correct the error in data.
Impactavoid overrunning of receivers buffer and prevents the data loss.


Both the control mechanism i.e. Flow control and Error control are the unavoidable mechanism for delivering a complete and reliable data.


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