Torjan Horse Vs Computer Virus Vs Logical Bomb

  • Torjan Horse:
    • In Computing, a Torjan Horse is a program that appears harmless but is in fact malicious.
    • Torjan horse contains the malicious code when triggered causes the loss or the theft of data.
    • Unlike the virus, it is not able to replicate  itself nor it can propagate without an end user assistance.
    • This is why attacker must use social engineering tactics to trick the end user into executing the Torjan.
    • Typically, malware programming is hidden into the innocent looking email attachment or free download.
    • when user clicks on the email attachment or download  the free program the malware that is hidden is transferred into the users computing device  and carry out the task as designed by the attacker.
    • some of them are : Bitfrost , Tiny Banker ,Fake AV Trojan, Magic Lantern ,Zeus.
Computer Virus:

  • Computer Virus is a malicious code that replicate by copying itself to another program , computer boot sector or documents and change how a computer works.
  • It works in two phase ,
  • The first phase in which the virus inserts into the file , is called the insertion phase.
  • The second phase in which it performs some actions ,called the execution phase.
  • It requires someone to knowingly or unknowingly to spread  the infection without knowledge or permission of a user or system administrator.

  • Logical Bomb(Bomb):
    • A logical bomb is a malware that is trigered by a response to an  event such as launching and application or when specific date / time is reached .
    • Attackers use bomb in a various of ways.
    • Once  activated , a logical bomb implements the malicious code that causes harm to a computer.
    • Attackers use a combination of spyware and logical bomb  in an attempt to steal your identity.
  • Bacteria, or rabbit: programs, make copies of themselves to overwhelm a computer system's resources. Bacteria do not explicitly damage any files. Their sole purpose is to replicate themselves. A typical bacteria program may do nothing more than execute two copies of itself simultaneously on multiprogramming systems, or perhaps create two new files, each of which is a copy of the original source file of the bacteria program. Both of those programs then may copy themselves twice, and so on. Bacteria reproduce exponentially, eventually taking up all the processor capacity, memory, or disk space, denying the user access to those resources.
  • A dropper is a program that is not a virus, nor is it infected with a virus, but when run it installs a virus into memory, on to the disk, or into a file. Droppers have been written sometimes as a convenient carrier for a virus, and sometimes as an act of sabotage. Some anti-virus programs try to detect droppers.


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