
Showing posts from June, 2018

0/1 knapsack problem using dynamic approach


Flow Control vs Congestion Control

Difference Between Flow Control and Congestion Control   Flow control and congestion control, both are the traffic controlling mechanism but, both controls the traffic at different situations. The main difference between flow control and congestion control is that the flow control is a mechanism that controls the traffic between sender and receiver. On the other hand, the congestion control mechanism controls the traffic that is placed by the transport layer into the network. Comparison Flow Control Congestion Control Basic It controls the traffic from a particular sender to a receiver. It controls the traffic entering the network. Purpose It prevents the receiver from being overwhelmed by the data. It prevents the network from getting congested. Responsibility Flow control is the responsibility handled by data link layer and the transport layer. Congestion Control is the responsibility handled by network layer and transport layer. Responsible The sende...

Frame vs Packet

Difference Between Frame and Packet     The crucial difference between frame and packet is that frame is the serial collection of bits, and it encapsulates packets whereas packets are the fragmented form of data and it encapsulates segment. Data link layer performs framing process. On the other hand, Network layer performs fragmentation of the data and create smaller chunks known as packets. Another major difference is that a frame includes device’s MAC address while a packet includes device’s IP address. Basis for comparison Frame Packet Basic Frame is the data link layer protocol data unit. Packet is the network layer protocol data unit. Associated OSI layer Data link layer Network layer Includes Source and destination MAC address. Source and destination IP address. Correlation Segment is encapsulated within a packet. Packet is encapsulated within a frame. Conclusion: Frames and Packets function as protocol data units utilize...

Flow Control vs Error Control

Difference Between Flow Control and Error Control Flow control and Error control are the control mechanism at data link layer and transport layer. Whenever the sends the data to the receiver these two mechanisms helps in proper delivering of the reliable data to the receiver. The main difference between the flow control and error control is that the flow control observes the proper flow of the data from sender to receiver, on the other hand, the error control observes that the data delivered to the receiver is error free and reliable. Basis for Comparison Flow Control Error Control Basic Flow control is meant for the proper transmission of the data from sender to the receiver. Error control is meant for delivering the error-free data to the receiver. Approach Feedback-based flow control and rate-based flow control are the approaches to achieve the proper flow control. Parity checking, Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) and checksum are the approaches to detect the er...

Unicasting vs Multicasting

Difference Between Unicasting and Multicasting:   In Computer Networks, the term unicast and multicast are the information transmission methods. In unicast, one station transfers the information to only one receiver station. In multicast, the sender transfers the information to a group of interested receiver stations. The fundamental difference between unicast and multicast is that unicast is a one-to-one communication and multicast is a one-to-many communication process. Basis for Comparison Unicast Multicast Basic One sender and one receiver. One sender and multiple receivers. Bandwidth Multiple unicasting utilizes more bandwidth as compared to multicast. Multicasting utilizes bandwidth efficiently. Scale It does not scale well for streaming media. It does not scale well across large networks. Mapping One-to-one. One-to-many. Examples Web surfing, file transfer. Multimedia delivery, stock exchange. Conclusion:   If some private or...

Pure ALOHA vs Slotted ALOHA

Difference Between Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA both are the Random Access Protocols, that are implemented on the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer, a sublayer of Data Link Layer. The purpose of the ALOHA protocol is to determine that which competing station must get the next chance of accessing the multi-access channel at MAC layer. The main difference between Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA is that the time in Pure Aloha is continuous whereas, the time in Slotted ALOHA is discrete. Basis for Comparison Pure ALOHA Slotted ALOHA Introduced Introduced by Norman Abramson and his associates at the University of Hawaii in 1970. Introduced by Roberts in 1972. Frame Transmission The user can transmit the data frame whenever the station has the data to be transmitted. The user has to wait till the next time slot start, to transmit the data frame. Time In Pure ALOHA the time is continuous. In Slotted ALOHA the time is discrete. Successfu...