Subnetting Vs Supernetting

Subnetting is the technique of partitioning a large network into smaller networks. On the other hand, the supernetting is the method used for combining the smaller ranges of addresses into larger space. Supernetting was devised to make the routing process more convenient. Additionally, it reduces the size of routing table information so that it could consume less space in the router’s memory. The well-defined method for the subnetting is FLSM and VLSM while for supernetting CIDR is used.

Difference between Subnetting and Supernetting

Subnetting is the technique of partitioning a large network into smaller networks. On the other hand, the supernetting is the method used for combining the smaller ranges of addresses into larger space. Supernetting was devised to make the routing process more convenient. Additionally, it reduces the size of routing table information so that it could consume less space in the router’s memory. The well-defined method for the subnetting is FLSM and VLSM while for supernetting CIDR is used.
Subnetting and supernetting are the techniques invented for resolving the problem of address depletion. Although, the techniques were not able to eliminate the problem, but certainly decreased the rate of address depletion. Supernetting is inverse process of subnetting.

Key Differences Between Subnetting and Supernetting

  1. The strategy used to divide a huge network into smaller subnetworks is known as subnetting. On the contrary, supernetting is the technique of merging multiple networks into a single one.
  2. The subnetting process involves the increment of network part bits from the IP address. Conversely, in supernetting, the host part bits of the address are increased.
  3. In order to perform subnetting the mask bits are repositioned towards the right of the default mask. As against, in supernetting, the mask bits are moved left of the default mask.
  4. VLSM is a method of subnetting whereas CIDR is a supernetting technique.

Advantages of Subnetting

  • Minimizes the network traffic through decreasing the volume of broadcasts.
  • Increases addressing flexibility.
  • Increases the number of allowed hosts in local area network.
  • The network security can be readily employed between subnets rather than employing it in the whole network.
  • Subnets are easy to maintain and manage.

Advantages of Supernetting

  • The size of the router memory table is minimized by summarizing several routing information entries into a single entry.
  • It also increases the speed of routing table lookup.
  • Provision for the router to isolate the topology changes from the other routers.
  • It also reduces the network traffic.

Disadvantages of Subnetting

  • However, it is quite expensive.
  • It requires trained administrator to perform subnetting.

Disadvantages of Supernetting

  • The combination of blocks should be made in power 2; alternatively, if the three blocks are required, then there must be assigned four blocks.
  • The whole network should exist in the same class.
  • When merged, it lacks covering different areas.


Subnetting and supernetting both the terms have inverse meaning where subnetting is used to separate the smaller subnetworks form each other by dividing a larger network. Conversely, supernetting is used to combine the smaller range of addresses into a larger one to make routing process more easy and fast. Ultimately, both techniques are used to increase the availability of the IP addresses and reduce the depletion of IP addresses.


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