Reasoning Vs Inference
Inference: Inference is a general term representing the derivation of new knowledge from existing knowledge and axioms (i.e., rules of derivation) within a single step, and can be one of many kinds, such as, induction, deduction and abduction. For example, "modus tollens" is a rule of inference. Thus, one inference is the derivation of new knowledge using a single step using modus tollens. Inference is about taking in data and trying to draw a conclusion based on the limited information you have in a situation where not all the data is given. Reasoning: Reasoning is in context of a goal (e.g., decide whether a propositional formula is satisfiable or not) and is carried out via a search process involving multiple inferences. Choices during such search have to be made such as which axiom to "fire" along with which knowledge in order to derive new knowledge. Resolution is a particular kind of reasoning involving the "resolution rule". Reasoning is...